Woodford Remembers
To commemorate Woodford's fallen heroes of the First and Second World War, I have created a biographical note for each casualty.
These notes are not to be considered as full biographies, but a snapshot or background note of each of them. In order to keep each article to a single page, only a small portion has been included for some of the men. These articles were restricted to one page for posting as posters on the village noticeboard at on the 100th anniversary. It is now my idea to rewrite each one of these reports giving more previously unpublished details
However, if you have any information you would like to add (especially any photos) to that which is published or would like any further information about a specific serviceman please email clerk@woodfordpc.co.uk. Equally if you are aware of any errors please also make contact
The Woodford War Memorials (on the village green and at the Parish Church) contain the names of the fallen from both world wars, but not all names appear on each memorial. There are also a number of Woodford men not commemorated on either of these memorials. The notes below detail upon which memorial/s the names of the fallen appear.
Further details regarding the two memorials in Woodford can be found on the Woodford Online Memorials page.
To the glorious memory of the men from this parish who gave their lives in the Great War
3 November 2014
Alfred Arbon 22 May 1886 - 3 November 1914 - 24 years 5 months
15 November 2014
Arthur J Lowe 9 January 1894 - 15 November 1914 - 20 years 10 months
17 November 2014
Lawrence Bertram "Bertie" Manley - 23 January 1892 - 17 November 1914 - 22 years 9 months
12 December 2014
Herbert Betts - December 1875 - 12 December 1914 - 39 years
8 January 2015
Alfred Jakins - February 1878 - 8 January 1915 - 36 years 11 months
9 March 1915
Arthur Smith 24 September 1890 - 9 March 1915 - 24 years 5 months
9 May 1915
William Mehew - January 1881 - 9 May 1915 - 34 years 4 months
William Neal - 18 October 1890 - 9 May 1915 - aged 24 years 6 months
10 May 1915
Charles G Betts 18 April 1891 - 10 May 1915 - 24 years
14 May 1915
John J Taylor 1896 - 14 May 1915 - 19 years
27 September 1915
John T Faulkner 1890 - 27 September 1915 - 25 years
Cecil Braines 1891 - 27 September 1915 - 24 years
9 February 1916
Frank Steers 1879 - 9 February 1916 - 36 years
13 June 1916
Charles E Smart 12 November 1896 – 13 June 1916 - 19 years 7 months
27 June 1916
John T Sawford September 1895 - 27 June 1916 - 30 years
1 July 1916
Leonard Allen 6 September 1896 - 1 July 1916 - 19 years 9 months
Harry Wood 1878 – 1 July 1916 - 37 years
6 July 1916
Harry Robinson - 12 October 1890 - 6 July 1916 - 25 years 8 months
17 July 1916
William Freer 27 January 1888 - 17 July 1916 - 28 years 6 months
23 July 1916
Walter Tiney - 1880 - 23 July 1916 - 36 years
27 August 1916
Thomas Parrott - 2 June 1895 - 27 August 1916 - 21 years 2 months
10 September 1916
Cecil Hilliard - 27 February 1895 - 8 October 1916 - 21 years 8 months
8 October 1916
Walter Ainge - 8 September 1894 - 8 October 1916 - 22 years 1 month
13 October 1916
George Jakins - 4 November 1894 - 13 October 1916 - 21 years 11 months
23 October 1916
Wilfred Hobbs - 1879 - 23 October 1916 - 37 years
15 November 1916
Herald Dunford - 1885 - 15 November 1916 - 31 years
19 April 1917
William Leaton - 1882 - 19 April 1917 - 34 years
23 April 1917
Arthur King 12 August 1887 - 23 April 1917 - 39 Years 8 months
3 May 1917
Ernest Houghton - 28 January 1897 - 3 May 1917 - 20 years 3 months
3 May 1917
Frank Perkins - 1 May 1896 - 3 May 1917 - 21 years 0 months
19 September 1917
Gaston Leveritt - 1 December 1897 - 19 September 1917 - 19 years 9 months
6 October 1917
Alfred Waite - 28 July 1895 - 6 October 1917 - 22 years 2 months
6 November 1917
William Walter Crook - 8 April 1889 - 6 November 1917 - 28 years 6 months
2 December 1917
Edward T Bonser - 18 December 1893 - 2 December 1917 - 23 years 11 months
21 March 1918
Charles Betts - 4th quarter 1878 - 21 March 1918 - 39 years
23 March 1918
Samuel Jackson - 4th quarter 1876 - 23 March 1918 - 41 years
26 March 1918
Arthur Charles Braines - 11 December 1888 - 26 March 1918 - 39 years 3 months
20 August 1918
Arthur Tarrant - 12 March 1890 - 20 August 1918 - 28 years 5 months
21 August 1918
Herbert Spencer MM - 25 December 1885 - 21 August 1918 - 32 years 7 months
17 September 1918
John Richard Barritt - 1878 - 17 September 1918 - 40 years
24 September 1918
Reginald Frederick Hobbs - 6 April 1896 - 24 September 1918 - 22 years 5 months
14 October 1918
Arthur Leonard Allen -1 November 1894 - 14 October 1918 - 23 years 11 months
18 October 1918
Reginald Arthur White - 1894 - 18 October 1918 - 24 years
2 November 1918
Reginald John Murdin - 27 October 1899 - 2 November 1918 - 19 Years, 6 days. Youngest Casualty
2 April 1919
Walter H Murphy - 2nd quarter 1880 - 2 April 1919 - 28 years
Details of how the end of the "great war" was celebrated in Woodford and surrounding area.
We also remember the following who gave their lives in World War 2
17 June 1940
Eric E Sanders - 1 February 1919 - 17 June 1940
19 April 1941
Arthur G Allen - 6 January 1920 - 19 April 1941
4 May 1941
Colin Crouch 10 July 1912 - 4 May 1941
27 August 1941
Thomas Headland 10 March 1912 - 27 August 1941
25 November 1942
Arthur J Rudkin 18 May 1914 - 25 November 1942
23 May 1944
Richard Reed 5 May 1913 - 23 May 1944
8 June 1944
William Wood 4 January 1921 - 8 June 1944
18 October 1944
Donald Davidson 30 January 1908 - 18 October 1944
These articles were previously published on the Parish Council website